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a call to worship

Someone told me at our leader training camp before I left for africa that even if I am just going to be in Africa to worship there that that would be valuable.
Now I am here…
and from the moment I stepped off of the plane there was a familiarity. We packed our bags into the van and began to drive and it felt… normal.
Ive been on these roads… I know these places I have friends I can call its all as though no time has past.
I love this place. I love the people here, the simplicity, and their hunger to know God. and the fruit here… ahhh yes! its so good to be here again!
Our first day of “official ministry” was spent at this small mud walled church that was filled with a handful of men, one grandma, a couple of young women and the rest of the benches was full of more children than you could count. We were led to sit down in the front and then our host just left. So we began to just worship with the people there. We worshiped and we prayed for hours in that building. They would share songs and we would share songs trying to work through the different language and different styles of singing and praying the best that we could.
We were jumping and dancing in that hot little stuffy room and at one point God drew my attention to the window. I looked out and saw an alive and beautiful Africa. God began in that moment to speak to me about the value of being there worshiping in that church.
God desirves our worship all of the time.. his creation is always crying out… his people always have words of praise locked up in their hearts ready to pour forth.
The value of worshiping God was pressed on me. His worthiness to be praised. Gods land is meant to be filled with his praise. All of his creation proclaims it all the time… and its good to be in a new place to sing along with the chorus already being sung.
When i come to africa i bring expectations… some right and some not. I have ideas of how God might use me or what I might see happen… But that morning God showed me that it wasnt at all about that… its only about worshipping him.
He told me he has this whole place in his hands… so just worship me. And watch my story unfold.


  1. What a wonderful story you have for all of us.That we should spend our time praising our Lord and savior. It’s wonderful to hear from you and just how you are touched by our God Our God is an awesome God, He reins supreme in all the earth whether youm are in Africa or in Huntungton Beach He is there Keep worshiping Him Cheriselove you God continue to shine His face on you Grandma

  2. So excited for you.. Its the best filling to be at peace with God, when you know you are right where he wants you.. And to be able to praise and worship him in his beauty.. Look forward to reading your up dates.. Love and hugs..

  3. Psalm 19:1-4
    The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
    Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
    They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
    Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.

    This is all beautiful.

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