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Gods provision.

“Combat comes before victory. If God has chosen special trials for you to endure, be assured He has kept a very special place in his heart just for you. A badly bruised soul is one who is chosen.” -streams in the desert june 19th.
I met Anna during ministry a couple of days ago. Anna is stick thin- as is her little 1 year old baby who sat outside of the one roomed cement home eating some mushy looking food. Anna has 2 other kids but they were a little older and when we were there they were at smile africa being fed and going to class.  The youngest one was not old enough to go to Smile Africa yet so she fed him the little she had at her home.
Her husband died last year and when she sent money to her father about 400 miles away to build her a hut so she could move closer he used the money all up.
I feel like for the most part Africans have a toughness to them- but Anna spoke with defeat and brokenness as she explained how she couldn’t even provide food for her children and was 3 months behind on her $7 a month rent. Her landlord was kind and was letting her make payments… but his kindness was wearing thin and she shared how he needed some money soon or else she would have to leave.
We stayed with Anna for a long time and shared with her a lot about God. As I sat there and listened to people share and translations being passed along God gave me this picture of how much he loved Anna. She had moved to Tororo years ago when she was a little girl with her new husband. He brought her there so he could work. But God showed me a glimpse at the bigger picture… of how it was him who brought there new family to this place. You see God new long before Anna had children the trials that she would face when her husband would pass away. And God brought her to this place where he could daily provide for her children when she was no longer able. The food provided for her children at Smile was what was keeping them from starving. And God knew. 
Sometimes its hard for us to see what God does for us. I know i get blinded all the time in my own life and miss all the things that God orchestrates all around me.  He is always faithful. Always. I know I doubt… and my life has seen nothing of the tragedy and hardship of Annas. 
It was so special to love on Anna and share the picture that God gave me. As we talked to her she began to smile and talk more and more with us and just laugh.
Meeting Anna really broke the 4 of us who met her.  As I sat there I felt God speak to me about how he had also brought us there to provide for her. He brought us to her home that day because he loved her and wanted to use our hands to provide. God spoke the same thing to the other 3 and when we got home and shared what God had stirred in us we decided we wanted to collect money to pay her back rent and help her for the next few months.  When we went to ask Florence (the pastors wife and the woman who had taken us to Annas house that day) if it would be appropriate to do this she shared with us how God had spoken to her about providing some food for Anna.
How cool is God. That he would do that for this daughter Anna and speak the same thing to all 5 of us there in the same moment.
The end of the week came and we got to go with Florence to spend some more time with Anna. She greated us with a smile and a lightness before we even walked in the door. And she just laughed and looked each one of us in the eye as she spoke many thank yous in her own language after we gave her the money. 
I was challenged to look beyond just what I can see as I watched Gods story unfold just a little bit before my eyes that day.


  1. Sometimes it is hard to see the bigger picture in life. That God is around us even when things seems really tough. Your story was a beautiful reminder to me that God is ALWAYS with us. I am so proud of what you are doing and will keep you in my prayers. I love you so incredibly much Reese!

  2. Chelsea!

    You are wel-o-come! It doesn’t seem right that you’re in Africa without me. I mean, who’s going to call you a pantywaste and try to block your emergency run to the bathroom only to watch you bust in all up in Tara’s bidness? Who’s gonna help you lock T in the house? Who’s gonna try to suffocate you with your pillow as you mercilessly play that awful sunscreen song????

    I miss you and I love you and you are bringing the Kingdom and you choose to live in the tension of what is and what should be. I admire you for that. Courage, dear heart. Remember how good our God was to us in Kenya and Uganda. It is the same God who is with you now. Be brave! Be bold! GO HARD!!


  3. Cherice it is so great to hear how the Lord is using you in this young ladies life God has a plan for you there, watch for it. Love you, Grandma

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