
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I have been waking up at 5am to spend
time with the Lord. This morning was really cool because as I was
walking back towards the house from our lovely out houses the stars
were still bright in the sky and the front porch was simply calling
my name. I sat down on the rail to pray but found myself speechless.
I just listened as God reminded me of how loud his love is.

I grabbed my journal and started
writing. Its hard to describe an African sunrise…there is a
certain amount of hope that hangs in the air and it is captivating.

The sun rises; the stars fade away
slowly as I sit on the front porch. Off to my left the sky is
becoming brighter; oranges, yellows and greens peeking through the
dark clouds that line the horizon. The silhouettes of the trees
remind me of people dancing.

“Oh Praise Him… He is Holy.�

I hear a drum and roasters and
different birds singing to welcome the new day. Do the birds sing
like this through out the day? Am I just so busy and my mind so loud
that I don’t stop to hear them? There are frogs too, calling
loudly to one another… this place is Alive.


There is light… but also this morning
feels light, its crisp and a there is a sense of newness I haven’t
noticed before.

To my right the sky is filled with
different shades of blues and purples and grays. The clouds are
holding down the oranges and yellows keeping them thick along the
horizon… although their brightness has already overtaken all but
one or two of the African stars.

Man, I am digging the drum beat! And I
am thankful to see so much color and to feel so much hope.

“This is the day that the Lord has
made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.� Psalm 118:24

Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.

3 responses to “A New Morning”

  1. Beautiful indeed. Thanks for letting me “sit with you” at sunrise. And when I saw your photo of art supplies, I didn’t see just a tablet of paper and pile of pens…I saw inspiring works of art that you and the Lord will create together. I love the Jesus I see in you. jennieo

  2. Cherise,

    This is a great blog! I remember that African sunrise…and the stars (will never forget the stars). What an amazing story of seeing God in creation.

    We are praying for you guys! The team here got on their faces before God for each of you praying for health and power in the Spirit!

    Looking forward to seeing all of you in a few weeks. It’ll be my first trip to East Africa – can’t wait!


  3. Cherise, “seeing” what you see, makes me want to be sitting on a porch in Africa with you, however, the truth is that I am (regrettably) so spoiled to my “comforts”. Even the grace that you have for these moments is enviable. I’m hoping to plant a seed that you may truly have these “pictures” painted in a book someday. Britt’s Grams