
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Tomorrow I will be leaving “The Gateway”- my Mexican home-
and will be headed off to Uganda! To say that I am excited would be a HUGE
understatement, this is something I have been looking forward to and dreaming
of for such a long time, but at the same time this place has become so very
dear to me.  It’s sad to think that
this very special chapter in my life is coming to a close. 

I really have fallen in love with the simplicity of this
place and with the people that I live here in community with.  My friend Bryan posted a video tour of
the gateway… by the time you watch it I probably wont be there anymore (which
is really strange to think about!) but I thought that it might be fun for you
to have a little glimpse into what my life has recently been looking like.

So check it out:


The closing of one chapter is hard… but knowing that I am
walking into the beginning of a new and very exciting chapter offers so much

To infinity and beyond!

4 responses to “Goodbye Mexico!”

  1. Cherise! It has been inspiring reading your posts thus far. You’re going to UGANDA! I will be praying for you. Joyful adventuring, my friend.

  2. Cherise,
    We are so happy for you to be travelling to Uganda doing God’s work. We are praying for your travels and stay in Uganda.

  3. Dearest Cherise So happy for you to be moving on to Africa. I know how much you grew in the Lord while there in Mexico. God has a plan for you in Africa. I am excited God bless you Grandma

  4. Hello Beautiful Cheriseeeeee!

    I am so excited for you; you’re in Uganda by now. I know God is using you in huge ways already. Loved seeing your smiling face in the video. Tricia is going to be house/Jack sitting for the next few days – she knows the place well because she was here a lot when you were here.
    I love you, my friend. And I pray for you every single day. Can’t wait to get your next update…