
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We are slowly getting settled in here
after a long couple of days of traveling… we are waiting to move
into our new little home and while we wait we are staying at the
children’s school. Yesterday we went for a walk and got to see the
house that we will be living in… which is really nice and has beds
and a little courtyard where we can grow a garden. The other Uganda
team is staying there with us! We went out to buy bikes and it seemed
like everyone stopped to watch as the white people rode away. I must
say I never thought that I would be riding bikes around in Uganda…
but it is pretty sweet (especially riding around all the dirt roads
with kids trying to hop on the back). There are kids everywhere that
we go. They are all so beautiful and I guess that it is a big deal
for them to get to say hello or to hold our hands because we are
white. So when we are out walking the come running out and yell
“Mzungu, how are youuuuuu” and when ever you ask them how they
are they say “I am fine.” That is all most of them know how to
say (which reminds me a lot of myself in Mexico saying Hola, Como
estas…bien) but they grab your hand and then walk with you as far
as you will let them… usually we have to send them back when they
get to the main road. Our American host left back to the states this
morning and won’t be back until February. I’m excited to work
with Pastor Moses… he is super awesome and seems excited to have us
here. We are going to be starting women and men’s Bible classes
and teaching a lot of English at the school that Helping Hands runs.
We will be teaching English to the teachers and also helping the
teachers teach the kids in the classes. Richard told us all to be
prepared to be sharing and teaching all of the time and to be ready
to sing. I guess we will be helping Moses with a couple of church
plants and traveling out to visit the Bush churches. When Richard
brings groups with him from the states we will help host them. They
will stay with us at our house and be apart of the ministries that we
are involved with. When Richard was telling us all about the
ministries we would be apart of it was hard to imagine that being
here only until May could be nearly enough time… So my natural
response was to start to plan out a way to stay here forever. Hope
that is ok with all you back at home!