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I am so so so excited to be here! This
is my second day here but I have to tell everyone about the very
first moments of arriving. We got picked up at the airport by our
host Richard and three African men. We loaded up the bus and headed
to a grocery store in Kampala and then headed into Busia. I wanted
to stay awake and see everything but my eyes just wouldn’t
cooperate with me… so I slept for a while until I heard Richard
telling us we were about to cross over the Nile River and that we
were almost at the restaurant we were going to eat dinner at. We get
out of the van at this Chinese food restaurant right next to the Nile
and there was an awesome lightning storm going on (not really what I
expected to say about my first moments in Africa…) So I’m sitting
across from the two drivers and we get to talking about what they do
and how they know Richard, and he was telling me how he doesn’t
work with his ministry he was just hired to drive the bus. He pulls
out his badge and it says True Vine Ministries. True Vine Ministries
is the group that my dad and my church at home come to Uganda with.
All three of the men, both drivers and the pastor knew my dad! I was
so excited because the whole reason I wanted to come to Uganda more
than any of the other locations was the off chance that I might be
able to meet some of the people that he knows or to be close enough
that if I ever come back with Seaside that I could visit the people I
know. It was such a blessing that the very first people I met, out
of all the people, know my dad. Ezekiel says I look like my dad and
he was asking how my mom the nurse was from when she was here a
couple of years ago. Pastor Moses is the main pastor we will be
doing all of our ministry with and he had just met my dad a couple of
weeks ago when he was here (after the restaurant he taught us a
couple of songs in Swahili and Lgandan). So cool! Ezekiel gave me
his phone number and is going to help me get out there to see and
meet some of Seaside’s Ugandan friends. God is good!