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Thoughts & Inspiration
Something Familiar
Today was a really cool day! I am going to attempt to tell you about it… but it is hard to “blog” about it because i feel like it just cheapens it…. but im going to try anyway…
So I am getting really excited because in two weeks I will be going with my team on an outreach (and not to mention that in three weeks i will be headed to AFRICA!). For our outreach we have a budget and free reign to plan a week of ministry where ever we feel led to go. My team has been talking to one of our local friends, Eleazar, here about possible places to go and serve and he got us connected with a local pastor, Juan Lopez. Tonight Eleazar took us to his church to meet him, and it was SO cool. As soon as we got there I caught eyes with a couple of little kids sitting in the front row of the church. We went in and instead of sitting with my team I went and sat with the kids, and John came and joined me too. The first hour of the service different people would get up and share or sing songs (Tara from my team shared a message at the request of the Pastor) Me and John were a little distracted by dancing around and playing with the kids, but I was loving every second of it! We were asked if we could go, along with one other girl from our group, to teach the kids class. I loved it because it was something that was familiar from the years of teaching Sunday school at seaside but also new because it was in spanish and with a large group of kids all different ages. We were piled into this little room where all three of us taught them and talked to them about Jesus and praying and helped them memorize a scripture. I shared with them the story of Jesus calming the storm and had them all act it out. John and Eleazar and myself talked to them about prayer, and Janessa taught them some songs in Spanish (king of kings and lord of lords, glory hallelujah) . I talked to them about how important it is to memorize scripture so you aways have it in your heart. They learned Matthew 5:14 and I would say it in english and they would repeat it back in spanish. It was soooo cool! After “class” or what ever you want to call it… we went out side and played a game that turned into a some sort of silly dance party to a song about being a chicken…
Hanging out with kids is the best… because it is familiar, but every kid you meet is so different, and so very special. I was so humbled to be asked to spend time with these kids and get to share stories about Jesus.
I love how playing, dancing and being silly is completely universal…
final thought for the day… kids are sooo cool!
And I am so excited to spend a week hanging out and serving in Pastor Juan Lopez’s neighborhood and continuing in relationship with these kids!