
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I was just thinking today about all my
friends and family back at home. I have tears in my eyes even as I
write this now… not because I’m home sick or anything at all like
that … but because I was thinking about how supportive and loving
everyone has been. Right now I am living out a big dream of mine.
I’m really here, its really happening. I am in Uganda. I catch
myself thinking about that all the time as simple things are
happening around me… like walking around the market or riding my  bike down the red dirt roads, or when I’m holding hands and holding
these dear children, or singing Swahili worship songs with women from
church. I believe this is right where God wants me right now and
when I think about all the people that walked with me while I chased
this dream I am just overwhelmed. So thank you. Thank you for
walking this out with me from the beginning… for encouraging me as
I began to chase after this. I couldn’t have done this with out
you. Thank you for inspiring me and for dreaming alongside of me.
Thank you for supporting me and making this dream possible. Thank
you for being apart of this in everyway. I love you all so much.
Thank you for your emails and your comments they mean more to me than
you know. Every time I hear from home it reminds me that in no way
am I alone in this… and knowing that gives me courage to keep

Please pray for me and my team as we
are really jumping in and getting involved with the church and the
community here. Monday and Tuesday we will be riding our bikes out
to one of the bush churches that Pastor Moses works with. We will be
teaching and reaching out to that community. Pray that we are bold
in love. Pray that I have courage because I am nervous! Pray that
we will have the words… and that the Fathers love will be made