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Thoughts & Inspiration

…The biggest freedom I see that is
missing from the people I have met here is the freedom to be young…
to dream big dreams and to imagine things, things that can be and
things that are far to silly to be things that you would ever even
really want to come true.

I have been hanging out with these
girls at the orphanage who are between 13-17 maybe… about the same
age as my little sister Tori. As I spend time with these girls
Brenda, Joan, Caro, and Gorret its hard to believe that they are so
young. These girls have grown up taking care of themselves and often
times their little siblings. I think of myself and of Tori and how
my parents allowed us so much just by taking care of us and being
present, allowing us to simply be and encouraging us to dream. The
children grow up young and tough here in Africa… but each time I am
with them I can’t help but notice a softness that is so eager to be

I want to know what they would imagine
and dream if they were just taught how…

The other day I talked with Caro about
the library they are working on putting together there at the
orphanage and I asked her if she likes to read and she said that she
likes to read the Bible. That night I found myself escaping into
Narnia and thinking about how neat it would be to bring the girls
there too… to that place where they are asked to imagine things
beyond our own creativity.

Today I sat under a tree and began
reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to a few of the girls.
I had to explain many of the things to them… but it was all worth
it when it came to the part where Lucy first meets the faun Mr.
Tumnus. The book describes him with his mans torso and his goat legs
and horns on his head… and the girls kinda looked at me and I again
clarified and they just began laughing and laughing and then I was
laughing with them. They didn’t want me to stop reading… they
kept saying what a good story it was as they smiled and their eyes
shown with a lightness that I had not before seen. I am excited for
the next time I get to sit under that tree with the girls… I am so
thankful that God is using me to bring to light a new side of them
that has been covered up by the tough lives they lead.

There is a little boy Emma here and our
whole team has fallen in love with him. I was talking with him and
this little boy Peter at the church the other day and they were
telling me about how they want to be pilots. I wonder how many
little African boys dream of being a pilot… but never even make it
on a plane. I hate that the likely hood of your dreams really coming
into reality depends so much on where you are born. I hate that the
growth of imagination is stunted for so many children by having to
take up the life early of a grown up.

I am 22 now… and my imagination is
still growing. I am still dreaming of the things that I want to be
when I grow up. I know that I want to build many more forts and go
on many more adventures… I still dream of being rescued from
dragons and of discovering new lands. I want to take each one of
these grown up children I meet and show them all the places that
could be if they were allowed to simply be children.
If you have time check out my friend jess’ blog… she wrote beautifully about seeing this same sort of thing in swaziland…

7 responses to “The freedom to dream”

  1. I just love reading your blog. Gosh I am 59 and yes still wonder what I will do when I grow up. I am so impressed at how quickly you are understanding the situation over there and I pray you understand how much your being there means to those precious little ones. You are indeed making a huge difference in their lives.

  2. Your heart is so precious! I am so thankful that Jesus has placed you there for our little brothers and sisters who have grown up too early!

  3. Bella is on her way up to our mountain home for Christmas and at the top of my list is finding our copy of Narnia. I’m praying that she and I can find ourselves not only in Narnia, but under that tree with you and your new little sisters. The Lord is using you to write new and wonderful chapters in their precious life stories. I love and pray for you. Jennieo

  4. This was so great to read about, keep lovin on Gods people. You reading to His children is a sweet sound 🙂 love you!

  5. firstly-Cherise- I love you! i love that you build forts too and dream of foreign lands. bless you for following that thought of reading to them. i can just imagine you nestled in under the shade and going on a grand adventure with those who need it the most. It fills my heart with joy to hear you ministering as you feel lead. Nothing makes me happier- i wish i knew who these girls where that you talk about— perhaps we can all meet up in narnia, ill bring my brother- he would gladly protect us with his quiver and bow. Give Emma a hug for me- I love you and miss you terribly- jenessa

  6. Reese, I kept picturing your tree tattoo while I read of you sitting with the girls. What precious time for you and them both. Cherish every moment of each adventure. For I have yet to see two forts, trees, people that are the same, nor expressed an identical adventure… Cherish! Breath in everything! i think Lucy would enjoy reading your story 🙂 Put on Courage this day! Eph 6 ALL MY LOVE!

  7. Cherise, each of your friends comments have said it so well. What a precious gift to “step into the skin” of those around you and draw them to even greater paths of “dreaming”, even the dreams of our times spent with the King of Eternity. In Christ’s love, Brittany’s Grams