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Thoughts & Inspiration

“Imagination is the greatest gift God has given us and it
ought to be devoted entirely to Him”

My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers


I read this the other day and was totally captivated by the
thought of it.  For those of you
who know me well I’m sure you are well away of my love for stories and
adventures and of dreaming big dreams. 
Often times I find myself feeling silly for the way I just love to
imagine, and I was so encouraged by the reminder that its part of the way God
has designed me.  He has been
showing me so much about who he is just by observing his creativity. 

Lets talk about bugs for a second.  I love them.  Ya
there are a lot of bugs that are here that are not awesome… like mosquitoes and
bed bugs, but I have seen some bugs here that have literally made me see God in
new ways.  There are so many bugs
and each one is unique in color and shape and size.  They are so detailed and they are all so different, and when
observed up close the intricacies of each one are truly spectacular.   I couldn’t even begin to describe
how cool some of them are that I have seen… my favorite one is this green grasshoppery
bug that is capable of jumping further than I would like it to be able too… I
have only spotted it twice and have looked closely at it and it is
amazing.  It has these ridges all
over its bright green back and these cool eyes and long antennas and long legs
(that is such a lousy description but like I said its impossible to describe
how cool it is…) They are so fascinating to me. For those of you reading this
you may think this sounds so silly (and I would have to agree with you but it
is just so true)… the bugs here have shown me how big of an imagination that my
God has and I love seeing that side of Him. 

Since I have been here God has been continuously showing me
how creative He is and how He delights in our feeble attempts at
creativity.  I have been trying to
sketch in my sketchbook that Patti encouraged me to get before coming
here.  She told me that whenever
she travels and stops to draw that she remembers those places so much more than
anything she takes a picture of or passes by.  So I have been trying to take the time to sketch the places that
are special to me here… to try to really cement them into my mind.  I’m not very good at all at drawing
(one of my dearest friends here has been teaching me some tricks which is so
helpful!) but as I take the time to just sit and take in these special moments
I have been finding myself feeling so close to God.  I think it is because taking the time to enjoy this world
and expressing it in art allows for a special place in Gods heart to speak. 

So my plan is to keep dreaming big…

…To Infinity and Beyond! (right Dad!?)


Please be praying for our week of outreach… we leave on
Saturday to go to work along side of Pastor Juan Lopez in another local

Please be praying for the big transition that is quickly
coming… Woohoo Africa!