
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today I started packing.  Strange… for two reasons, mostly because that
means I am leaving soon and also because I NEVER pack until the very last
moment… ever.  I am pretty sick right
now, the mosquitoes here decided to bless me with one last malaria experience
before I head home and I also have some sort of respiratory infection which gives me the pleasure of spending my last days here in africa making back and forth trips to the hospital for injections… yikes.  I thought it might
be wise to use this time to start organizing my things and things just slowly
started making it into my pack. 
Strange.  All of this is so
strange.  Since the beginning we have
talked a lot about what it would be like to leave… and now here it is… just a
matter of a few days and I will be on my way.

I wanted to give you an idea of my
schedule for the next little bit… once we start traveling I wont really have a
way to get in touch (unless I run into some WIFI somewhere in the travels) and
even when I get home I still wont have a phone or anything like that… I guess
what I am saying is you should be expecting me to just be showing up at your
house, I mean that is mostly what we do here in Africa anyway… is just show
up.  Its my way of bringing a little of
the culture here home to you! “Surprise! Can you hang out… well… Now?”

Sunday May 9:            We
leave True Vine and head to Jinja, Uganda

Monday May 10:        Our
flight leaves Entebbe at 4pm

Tuesday May 11:        Arrive
in Huston, TX

May 11-15:                  Debrief with all of the Novas
Project teams

May 15-20:                  Visiting
Bryan in Kentucky

Thursday May 20:       ARRIVE IN HUNTINGTON BEACH!! @ 7:30 and
going straight from the airport to Wahoos with my family!! And I will be eating
chips and salsa… Amen? Amen.     

May 20-June 4:           Just
hanging out around HB and the areas within biking distance

from there.

Memorial Day:            Sonshine
Ministries all staff training weekend at the Delta

June 4:                         Leave
for Lake Shasta!

Sometime in August:  I
will return home once again…


I am really looking forward to
heading up to the lake but it just doesn’t leave much time in Huntington before
leaving once again.  I am really looking
forward to spending time with everyone so hopefully you are around!


  1. It has been a lot of fun reading of your experiences in Uganda and Kenya and how you have grown in your walk with the Lord.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Have a safe trip home.
    God Bless you

  2. I can’t BELIEVE you guys got malaria… good grief! Nice little parting gift eh? see you soon Reese! Can’t wait to talk and celebrate all that God’s done!

  3. Am praying that each of you regain your health and strength quickly. Will miss these precious “insights” you have shared with us. In His love, Sheridan

  4. Hi Cherise I am praying for a complete healing so your trip home will be more enjoyable. I can’t wait to see you. Just to let you know your blogs have been so good. I will miss reading of all the good adventures you have share with us. I know you will have a lot of stories to share with us. Can’t wait…..Have a good trip home. God bless you I love you Grandma

  5. Beautiful Reese.
    I’ll stock up on tea and biscuits for your homecoming. But I’ll miss your blog entries…maybe you can still write and send them when/where you can. The chapters in your book are defining themselves as God moves in, around and through you.
    I love you so. Karen

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