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Pictures from our travels.


Our team was so very blessed to get to travel a bit around Kenya on a little vacation before heading back to Uganda for our last couple of weeks here in Africa.
Here was our schedule… not quite “relaxing” but it was quite the adventure.

Tuesday: All day bus to the middle of absolute nowhere Kenya.
Wednesday: SAFARI!!
Thursday: Bus left at 3:30am to take us to Nairobi… hung out there… had a really fun team dinner at a place that served real coffee… Amen.
Friday: Hang out Nairobi, shopping around and night bus from there to Mombasa.
Saturday: BEACH!! 
Sunday: Night bus again… and a 29 hour ‘adventure’ to get back to Uganda.

Here are just a few pictures of our time:
Early in the morning we pilled in the car and  headed off to Safari.
First thing in the morning we found this pride of lions.  Amazing.
I like how crooked giraffes are…
Momma and baby.
hey there Mr. Elephant.
That was Mr. Elephants cousin… well whats left of him.
It was so beautful there…
Us imatating some of the animals we saw… (our car had a flat and we were all just running around and we even played a game of snake in the grass… haha.)
Jessica: Cape Buffalo, T: Girraffe, Jenessa: Elephant, Me: Lion, Kyle: Chettah
Cleaned up and headed to dinner in Nairobi
We walked up to the beach and saw the camels… Me and Jess immediately passed off our bags and went for a ride. Camels are funny.
Team picture… some where out there we found and claimed a little island for our selves… the island of the single ladies… kyle came late… after the naming process so he just became the king. haha.
Again our trip was a blast… a real blessing to get to see so many different parts of Africa and to spend so much good time together as a team!


  1. Hey Cherise you are having a great time, Your Dad showed a video of you saying Hi to all of us at church this morning, It was neat to see you and hear you tell all of us Hi. These sure are wonderful pictures of all God’s creation and your group enjoying them all. Cant wait to see you God bless you I love you Grandma

  2. EXCELLENT pictures Reese! Wow! You guys look pretty sharp all dressed up LOL almost like real people! Glad you guys had a good time making a memory.

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