
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So it turns out when you come on a trip like this your own
team becomes one of your biggest ministries.  There are now 11 of us here
in Kenya together and one of our teammates is back in the states.  We come
from all over and are in all different places in life… but we love each
other.  Everyone is so unique and I have learned so much about them but I
know I could live with each one for a hundred years and not know it all.  We are teaching one another about how
to love better and doing our best to spur each other onto greatness.  I
love each one of them! 

Here are some pictures of my
team and I just being us…

Us: a crazy combination of
rediculous and lovely. 

Jenessa, Kyle, John, T, Me, Jessica

T, Jess, Me, Jenessa

Jess/Nita/Poopy, Me

All of us… Team U2 (my team) and Team U1

Jessica, T, Me

Alison, Me (Side note… swings here are complicated. thats all.)

Brittany and Me… we are often forced to drink entirely too much soda before we are allowed to leave a place. I dont think I will miss that one.

KC, Paul, Me, Tara, T, Erin, Jared, Jenessa (Jared is pretending to be pregnant… who knows why…)

Jessica, KC, T, Me and Tropical Plants… dad you would be so proud! We ALWAYS have to many people in the car. 

Brittany, Jessica, Tara, Kathleen, Me, Jenessa… we are pointing at the hippos in the water… or maybe pointing the way to camp sacajawea? The truth is hard to come by…

Jenessa, T, Me, and Jess- The U2 Girls.

Me, T, Paul, Kyle

Kyle, John, Alison, Me… after setting up tents in the rain.  Happy Rainy Season!

Again the WHOLE U2 Team… Jenessa, Kyle, T, Me, Jess, John. I love my team! 

John… we miss you here everday! But now we are one step closer to really being able to say “YAY ALL GIRLS!” We are praying for you!

I wish all you at home could meet all these very special people in my life… but I am sure I will tell you enough stories about them when I get home that you will ‘feel’ like you know them! haha. I like telling stories.


  1. YAY FOR PICTURES! Kyle looks healthy again – praise God! You guys are so cool…seriously…you do know everyone reading this blog wants to be on U2/U1 right? LOLOL!

  2. Everyone of you young people are so “very dear”!!Thank you for the pictures. I love you, Sheridan & Grams

  3. Hey, I’m a friend of Kyle’s – he put a link in his post so we could see pictures. Thanks for posting them!

  4. Cherise amiga! you look shining awesome!

    Kyle: you’re fat! : ) (I love you hermano)

    John: man! you look younger now! I keep singing your worship song…

    Jessica: the best! (may I say)

    Tara: braided short hair is just it! : ) a big hug to you!

    Jenessa: radiant smiles!

    Prayer going up for you… is all about Him. I feel like like we’ll see each other again.

    Numbers 6:24-26

  5. Hi. I am a friend of Brittany’s. Thank you for the pictures into you’re life. Tell Brittany hi for me!! 🙂


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