
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

              There is a man that works here at True Vine… his name is Francis, but if you were to be introduced to him that is not what he would say… instead he would hold up his True Vine name tag and point right under his name where it reads “Water Man”.  “I am Water Man” he would say. Water Man is a hard worker. All day long he is going around and working on something… most likely water related. No matter how many times in a day that you pass him by he will always stop what he is doing with a big ol grin across his face to shake your hand and say hello and to ask how you are. I love this man. 

            During our time here we were asked to break our selves up into a couple of smaller groups and to join in with the different departments morning devotional time. I am in the group that meets in the main office with the staff that works in there. It’s a handful of us each morning, worshiping and praying and sharing a devotional with one another. During that time we are in the office each morning Water Man comes into mop the office floors. He stops what he is doing and takes off his hat when we pray and you hear him mumbling “Amens” through out the devotional time as he quietly goes about his work. 

            The other morning I was headed into the office and I found Water Man in the little entryway room before you make it into the main office. I stopped for a minute to say good morning to him and like he always does he smiled and smiled, took my hand and did a little bow like thing. He asked how I was and I told him I was fine and he just kept smiling but then he kissed my hand and said “God really loves us”. With that he smiled, let go of my hand, and went back to work. 

            During all of devotions that morning that moment kept running through my head. Water Man had it… Yes. God really does love us. What else do I need to even say?

            I can see that Water Man really loves God too. I see it in the way that he works and the way that he stops to really SEE people. In that moment in the office I wasn’t really seeing Water Man at all… his humility makes him transparent and Christ shines straight through that man. I experience a deep love in the moments that I am around this very special old man… and I know that it is Gods love that flows through him.

            Thank you God for Water Man and his reminder that… Yes, you really love us.


  1. Waterman is an amazing guy, always working or showing his grandkids the example. God does shine through him.

  2. I want to be like water man and love on everyone I come in contact with. I want to be like Jesus, I want to talk like Him, love like He loves and accept people like He accepts them. I love you Cherise Grandma

  3. I love these little “gifts” from the Lord. They’re so random and so powerful.

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